A collection of free printable library checkout cards from vintage library books that you can use to create journal cards or digital or paper scrapbook ephemera.
Once a staple of every library, checkout cards are becoming more and more of a rarity. Nowadays, you’re more likely to get a due date receipt or even a reminder email rather than a manually stamped library checkout card. And that’s assuming you even go to the library at all, since many libraries now offer downloadable ebooks that you can access from the comfort of your home. But you can still relive those by-gone days with these scans of vintage library checkout cards.
Here are a variety of library cards that you can choose from. Some of the cards are blank and others have date stamps and writing for a more authentic look or if you like grungy styles than this adds texture and visual interest. Click on the image to save files are made at 300 dpi and can be printed at actual card size.
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How cool is this? When the library gets rid of old books, I’ll be on the lookout for the cards. Thanks, and thanks for the printable, too. LInda
[…] Printable Library Cards […]
Thank you for the beautiful freebies! You just helped me decorate my kitchen!