The monthly desktop wallpaper calendar for August 2014 features a backdrop of vintage classified ads. You can find advertisements for a variety of items such as magazines and journals, pills and ointments, microscopes, and Tiffany & Co jewelry.
Victorian filigree patterns in brown and gold add a pop of color and visual interest. These were made using my free photoshop brush set. A calendar for the month of August on aged lined notebook paper is placed helpfully in the center to help you keep track of your plans and schedules for the month.
There aren’t any national holidays in the month of August, but you can observe a variety of fun days such as Wiggle Your Toes Day Aug 6th, Book Lovers Day Aug 9th, and Toasted Marshmallow Day Aug 30. August is also popular for summer vacations – perhaps you have a beach or camping trip coming up this month. You’ll have an easy time counting down the days on this handy calendar.
Choose your size – click to open at full size and “Set as desktop background…”



Thanks so much for this! I adore your site 🙂 Wish I had discovered it sooner!